The Importance Of Search Marketing

Web design reseller

Interestingly, according to Forrester Research, online sales are expected to grow from 7 percent of overall retail sales to close to 9 percent by 2016. The bottom line is that in today’s word, more and more consumers are turning to the internet to find the products and services that they need. This trend is only growing as the internet becomes more easily accessible via smartphones and tablets: an astounding 64 percent of smartphone owners shop online using their mobile devices. Therefore, online marketing is an integral part of running a business. Two important aspects of online marketing in particular are search marketing and social media marketing.

SEO, or Search engine optimization, also known as search marketing, is a particularly important aspect of online marketing, as consumers are increasingly using search engines to find products and services to purchase. It also a highly effective form of advertising: SEO leads have a 14.6 percent close rate, while outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) have a 1.7 percent close rate. Studies show that when consumers utilize an internet search engine they typically click on the first link that meets their criteria and are unlikely to scroll through pages and pages of results. In fact, three quarters of people who perform an Internet search find what they are looking for on the first SERP (search engine result page). Therefore, the higher a website appears in search engine results pages, the more likely a consumer is to visit that website. It is also essential that a website appear in organic rankings. Therefore search marketing, which raises a website’s ranking in search engine results, is thus a crucial part of effective online marketing.

However, if you’re company doesn’t have the time or the talent to preform search marketing services in house, it can be advantageous to consider an Seo service company or an SEO service firm. SEO services companies and SEO services firms can provide you with expert SEO services. Alternatively, If you own a web design firm or an online marketing firm and would like to expand your services to SEO, you might also want to look into an SEO company and consider SEO reseller plans. Through an SEO reseller program or an SEO reseller plan an SEO company can help you provide SEO services to your clients.

And don’t forget about social media. In addition to search marketing, social media marketing is also essential, as nine out of ten adults who are online use social media extensively. You may also want to look into social media reseller options. Overall, online marketing is absolutely crucial.


  1. I can definitely attest to the importance of search marketing. I run a small business and we’ve recently invested in SEO services. We’ve gained so many customers! It was really an excellent investment!

  2. I can definitely attest to the importance of search marketing. I run a small business and we’ve recently invested in SEO services. We’ve gained so many customers! It was really an excellent investment!

  3. I can definitely attest to the importance of search marketing. I run a small business and we’ve recently invested in SEO services. We’ve gained so many customers! It was really an excellent investment!

  4. I can definitely attest to the importance of search marketing. I run a small business and we’ve recently invested in SEO services. We’ve gained so many customers! It was really an excellent investment!

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